Kotlin Custom Spinner With Image And Text In Android

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Kotlin Custom Spinner With Image And Text In Android Studio is the topic of this page.

Creating a custom spinner can help you to make greater look and feel of your android app.

According to your android app theme, sometimes you need to make custom colors and design for spinners. This tutorial will help you to achieve this feature.

You will also be able to show the image in the each option along with it’s name in the spinner.

First of all, see the below video for output representation.


Step 1. Proper Layout

For making custom look and feel of the spinner, we need to make separate layout XML file.

Spinner will inflate the view from this layout file. So go to app->res->layout file structure and make a new xml file with a name like spinner_custom_layout.xml

You should add the following coding lines in spinner_custom_layout.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

        android:src="@mipmap/ic_launcher" />

        android:text="Custom Text"
        android:textColor="#000" />


There is one ImageView and one TextView in the above file.

Because our spinner’s every row will get the exact view of the above file, they all will have one ImageView and one TextView.

We can set any image and text in the above file Kotlin file as well. We will do this in the adapter file.

Step 2. Adapter Class

Create a new Kotlin file and give it a name like CustomAdapter.kt

Add the below source lines in CustomAdapter.kt file.

import android.content.Context
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.BaseAdapter
import android.widget.ImageView
import android.widget.TextView

class CustomAdapter(internal var context: Context, internal var images: IntArray, internal var fruit: Array<String>) :
    BaseAdapter() {
    internal var inflter: LayoutInflater

    init {
        inflter = LayoutInflater.from(context)

    override fun getCount(): Int {
        return images.size

    override fun getItem(i: Int): Any? {
        return null

    override fun getItemId(i: Int): Long {
        return 0

    override fun getView(i: Int, view: View?, viewGroup: ViewGroup): View {

        val view = inflter.inflate(R.layout.spinner_custom_layout,null)
        val icon = view.findViewById<View>(R.id.imageView) as ImageView?
        val names = view.findViewById<View>(R.id.textView) as TextView?
        names!!.text = fruit[i]
        return view

This adapter file will generate the every row’s view of the spinner.

getCount() method will return the number of rows or options in the spinner. It will calculate it using the integer Array “images

Now focus on the getView() method. In this method, compiler will first inflate the view using the xml layout file spinner_custom_layout.xml

Then it will find the image and name of the fruit using findViewById method.

After this, it will set the image in the ImageView and name in the TextView.

Step 3. Adding Fruit Images

Now it is time to add some fruit images in our project. Click on the below link to download the fruit images.

Download fruit images

Go to app->res->drawable folder, insert all the fruit images in this drawable folder.

Step 4. Writing Last Lines

You should have two files when you have created a new android studio.

One is activity_main.xml and another is MainActivity.kt

Add the below source block inside activity_main.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

            android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


You can see that I have added only one spinner in this XML layout file.

Now you should write down the below Code lines in MainActivity.kt file.

import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.View
import android.widget.AdapterView
import android.widget.Spinner
import android.widget.Toast

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    internal var fruits = arrayOf("Apple", "Grapes", "Mango", "Pineapple", "Strawberry")
    internal var images =
        intArrayOf(R.drawable.apple, R.drawable.grapes, R.drawable.mango, R.drawable.pineapple, R.drawable.strawberry)

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        //Getting the instance of Spinner and applying OnItemSelectedListener on it
        val spin = findViewById<View>(R.id.spinner) as Spinner
        spin.onItemSelectedListener = object : AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener {
            override fun onItemSelected(parent: AdapterView<*>, view: View, position: Int, id: Long) {
                    "You Select Position: " + position + " " + fruits[position],

            override fun onNothingSelected(parent: AdapterView<*>) {


        val customAdapter = CustomAdapter(applicationContext, images, fruits)
        spin.adapter = customAdapter

Now let us see some details about the above code file.

First of all, see the following

 internal var fruits = arrayOf("Apple", "Grapes", "Mango", "Pineapple", "Strawberry")
    internal var images =
        intArrayOf(R.drawable.apple, R.drawable.grapes, R.drawable.mango, R.drawable.pineapple, R.drawable.strawberry)

First line is making a variable with name “fruits“. This is the string array variable.

This “fruit” variable has the values like Apple, Grapes etc. fruit names in the string format.

Similarly, Second line is defining another variable but it is integer array. It’s name is “images

This “images” named integer array is containing the integer reference to the images available in the drawable folder.

We will use “fruits” string array variable to print names in the spinner row.

For printing or showing the fruit images inside every row of the spinner, we will use “images” integer array variable.

Now give your attention towards the below source block.

val spin = findViewById<View>(R.id.spinner) as Spinner
        spin.onItemSelectedListener = object : AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener {
            override fun onItemSelected(parent: AdapterView<*>, view: View, position: Int, id: Long) {
                    "You Select Position: " + position + " " + fruits[position],

            override fun onNothingSelected(parent: AdapterView<*>) {


In first line, compiler will find the spinner using it’s id and a method “findViewById“.

Then after there is one code block. This code block will be run when the user interact with the spinner.

When the user opens the spinner and selects any option, compiler will run onItemSelectedListener() method.

This method will show one Toast to the user. Toast message contains the position of the selected option as well as the name and image of the fruit.

Compiler will call the onNothingSelected() method, when the user do not select any option from the spinner.

Download Code For Kotlin Custom Spinner With Image And Text In Android

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